Monday, January 28, 2008

My Google Footprint

I use a visitor tracking site called "StatCounter" to keep track of the endless throngs of people who show up here. Among the info I get is how each visitor managed to navigate to the blog. Did you find my blogger profile? Did you click the link in my signature on a message board I post on? Did you go straight from a bookmark? Yes, I know who you are and where you've come from.

But my favorite entries in the log are always the ones that clicked through a Google search. It shows me exactly what they were searching for that brought up the blog, and which entry was brought up. These are the searches currently in the log:

How to draw nicer
Draw the statu [sic] of liberty
johnen vasquez
inspiration for a pool side story
Drawing from photographs a copyright infringement
draw like johnen
how to draw a pool side
draw good enough for college [my favorite so far]
drawing odd characters
step by step how to draw birthday things
types of line regarding drawing
draw paper birthday
how to draw like johnen
how to draw many dudes

My, I imagine that all of those people doing "how to draw" searches were pretty disappointed in their Google results. And at this rate, I'm going to attract the whole of the Jhonen Vasquez fan base. [here's where I admit spelling his name wrong...twice. Thank God for the edit button]

I wonder how much this post is going to throw Google off.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Couldn't have been a nicer day

Flashing back for a moment to our October vacation, this photo was my favorite of the countless I took of the Statue of Liberty. Hard not to take a good shot, of course.

I'm also particularly fond of this one. I love the somewhat disorienting mix of scales, between the massive base of the statue, the comparatively minuscule people, and the distant but huge city. Makes a nice statement, no?

And of course I had to play with the telephoto lens. Can you believe the color of the sky that day?!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A series is born

Ever since I finished my first mixed-media piece I've been contemplating trying my hand at it again.

That first one came from nothing more than a desire to have something colorful and graphic on the wall. If I were to try again, I wanted it to come from a place of a little more meaning and be a little more thought out. I had doubts that I'd be able to come up with a vision and execute it.

I'm pretty pleased with the results. It's not precisely what I set out to accomplish, however the final result came about very organically and satisfied my overall intent. I won't go into great detail about the inspiration, other than to point out that my vast fan base of regular readers might recognize the base image and I'll mention that I've titled it "Windy City". It's not meant to be particularly literal, but for me it all has a connection.

I'm encouraged. I may continue to delve into this format.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Third in my college doodle series. Yes, it has a solution. No, I don't have it solved anywhere. Yes, it took me forever.