Thursday, April 19, 2007

Is it lame to call this "First Post"?

Hello and welcome. I'll try to keep this brief, which you'll learn, if you stick around, is highly out of character for me.

This blog serves no particular purpose other than to amuse me. I certainly hope that by extension it amuses someone else too.

As you might have gleaned by now, I can't draw. Now, I'm not fishing for pity here. I really couldn't care less that I can't draw. I accepted that fact long ago. But if I'm going to be posting this stuff, I'm doing so with full disclosure. You've been warned.

A word on the format and content, I expect this to be a mixed bag. I'm sure I'll start off by dredging up the handful of drawings from my elementary school and jr. high days that I've kept around. Those are very dear to me, they're a good cross section of my drawing disabilities. But I also plan to post some new stuff, maybe even challenge myself to increase my drawing output. I'll probably end up posting a photo here and there, an art form I'm much more suited to, though I'll have to be careful not to get lazy and let this slip into being a photo blog. But mostly I'll be posting a photo or scan of something I've drawn and talking about it. That's it, nothing fancy.

All that said, it's not as if I hate everything I draw. Like a million monkeys a million typewriters, or perhaps like one monkey on a million typewriters, or even a million monkeys on one typewriter, something accidentally comes out pretty okay. And if I keep up the postings, you might actually see that at one time I was down right adequate at copying drawings (not tracing, but looking at and copying freehand). But by and large, I have very little conscious control over how one of my drawings comes out.

Thanks for visiting,'ve been warned.

And see what I mean about brevity?

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