Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No on 8 - Equal Rights

Apropos of nothing other than the fact that the election is less than a week away and constantly on my mind, I can't help but say something. It's unfathomable to me that Prop 8 stands a reasonable chance of passing in California. More infuriating are the lies and fear mongering that are being used to support it. If it were simply being supported by people who believe same sex marriage should not be recognized, that would be one thing (though I'd still have my disagreement with them). But it's being supported by people who believe it will somehow lessen their own marriage. Or lead to gay marriage classes in schools. Or force their church to allow gay sex orgies on the pulpit. Or whatever other nonsense their lie-spewing church leaders have fed them.

Freedom is freedom. Other people's relationships have nothing to do with my own. My marriage to my wife is no more diluted by two men marrying than it is by the countless loveless traditional marriages that end in divorce. It is unseemly that there is even the possibility of writing discrimination into our state constitution.

I can't wait until this election is over, it's not good for my blood pressure.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tuesdays with drawing

What better way to indicate my sudden desire to draw more regularly than to spend an evening not drawing! I'm thinking creatively already.

I haven't been entirely neglecting the pencil at least. I learned a lot drawing this.